Business Services » Business Services

Business Services

Mission Statement

The mission of Business Services is to facilitate accountability of institutional funds and other assets entrusted to the San Gabriel Unified School District through application of professional accounting standards, stewardship principals, and sound business practices pertaining to the financial resources and operations of the District. We accomplish this by providing:
Guidance in developing and implementing policies, practices and regulations that will facilitate the business of the District efficiently and effectively, while maintaining a high degree of professionalism and technical expertise.
Financial information and reporting to a variety of external constituencies – including legislators, regents, trustees, governmental agencies, rating agencies, auditors, creditors, grantors, donors, and others who are invested as stakeholders in the financial activity and health of the District.
Support and coordination services to the various services, departments and operating units within the District through oversight, monitoring, training, and internal control activities to ensure the integrity of the District’s financial systems, resources, operations and accounts.

Vision Statement

Business Services views itself as an organization of competent and caring professionals who take personal ownership in finding answers to questions and solutions to problems; who are innovative, resourceful, collaborative, and helpful in facilitating stewardship and accountability of the institution’s financial resources. We continuously seek to be recognized as such by the campus community and external stakeholders who utilize our services with confidence, and trust our ability to assist them in a timely and accurate manner in carrying out the overall mission of the District.
Notices to Bidders
CUPCCAA Information
Any questions should be referred to the Maintenance and Operations Department