Student Services
The next school year starts August 18, 2025
View the entire 2025-26 school year calendar.The Office of Student Services provides specialized student support services to students, families and school site personnel in the area of compliance with compulsory education laws, student admission and enrollment procedures, student discipline procedures, transfers to alternative programs, compulsory attendance, and school climate and safety.
CHECKLIST of required documents for New Student Enrollment links below:
BEGIN ENROLLING YOUR CHILD AT THIS LINK (for either 2024-25 or 2025-26 enrollment)
Please note: This enrollment form is for NEW students only! If your student is currently enrolled in the San Gabriel Unified School District, do not complete the online enrollment process. Your student will automatically roll to the next grade level.
You can upload all documents required to finalize enrollment as a scan or photo.
If you have any questions, please contact the office of your school of residence.
All kindergarteners must enroll with their school of residence, even if they are currently enrolled in transitional kindergarten. If you do not know what your school of residence is please see this map of San Gabriel and school boundaries.
SGUSD offers Transitional Kindergarten at each elementary school
In 2025–26, LEAs are required to make TK available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 of the school year.
If you would like more information regarding the Transitional Kindergarten program, please contact Student Support Services at (626) 451-5400.
Children in universal TK have to meet the same vaccination requirements as in regular kindergarten.
Find out more about FREE MEALS for ALL students at this link!
¡Todos los estudiantes tendrán comidas gratis el próximo año escolar!
The Dual Language Immersion "Intent to Enroll" Google form for the 2025-26 school year will be posted January 13, 2025 at 8:00 am at the DLI page.
This program teaches the core content through more than one language. In 2025-2026, San Gabriel Unified's Spanish program is K - 8 and is located at McKinley Elementary School and Jefferson Middle School; the Mandarin DLI Program is K - 6 and is located at Wilson Elementary School. Students are accepted after a language assessment is completed in order to maintain the 50-50 ration of English Learners to English Only students.
The San Gabriel Unified School District is proud to offer a Mandarin and Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program that strives to maintain a 1:1 ratio of English speakers to target language learners. Students receive instruction aligned with state academic standards appropriate to their age and stage of linguistic and cultural proficiency. The program is designed to help students gain knowledge about language systems, develop a cultural understanding, and use that knowledge to communicate.
This survey will not be able to accept responses until January 6, 2025 at 8:00 am.
Intradistrict transfers
The window for students who live within the SGUSD boundaries and wish to attend a school other than their school of residence will open April 7, 2025 and close May 23, 2025. Families will be notified after August 1, 2025 regarding placement.
The student's enrollment must be complete in order to apply for an intra-district permit. This is done at the student's home school.
Please be aware that not all sites and grade levels will have availability. Requests are determined based on space availability.
Transitional Kindergarten students are assigned to their school of residence unless the program is full. In that case other schools in SGUSD are an option for families.
- Intra-district transfer requests are granted based upon space availability, siblings, student conduct, and attendance.
- Parent/guardian assumes responsibility for providing transportation to and from school.
- A student on an approved intra-district transfer may be subject to reassignment due to excessive enrollment at a school site.
- Once a student is granted an intra-district transfer for the school requested, they will attend the school(s) until the completion of 5th grade, if enrollment space exists, and if the student meets all transfer conditions.
- An approved intra-district transfer may be revoked at any time if there is false information on the transfer request form or if a student demonstrates unsatisfactory conduct and/or attendance.
Incoming interdistrict transfer requests - students who live outside SGUSD boundaries and want to attend an SGUSD school
New inter-district transfer students living outside the San Gabriel Unified School District must file a completed San Gabriel Unified School District application with the required attachments. Continuing students who move into a different district, or whose students are moving from fifth to sixth grade, or eighth to ninth grade, must apply for a new inter-district transfer permit. Applicants must also apply for an inter-district transfer permit (release) from their district of residence.
Inter-district transfer requests are granted based on space and program available basis, along with a review of the information in the required documents.
Outgoing Inter-District Transfers: Families who reside within the SGUSD boundaries, but wish to attend school in another district.
Please read before requesting inter-district transfer: